Changing Hemispheres Album

02. Any News?

It is 1833 and in the Swan River Colony – later to be named Western Australia – settlers are desperate for news of their Governor, Captain James Stirling who has gone at their request to London, to beg for assistance for the near-bankrupt colony.

Most of the settlers came woefully unprepared for the challenges to be faced. Mainly young and urban (the majority came from within an 80 mile radius of London) of the lower middle classes, many expected a new England where they could aspire to the lifestyle and wealth of the landed gentry they could never become part of in England. Resentment was voiced by some English settlers against what they perceived as a distinct Scottish bias in the Swan River Colony.  And while they attempt to survive in Stirling’s absence, many are incensed by a humanitarian speech given by a Scotsman called Lyon, who pleads with them not to pass the death sentence on Yagan and his compatriot Noongars, who have been leading attacks on settlers in retaliation for the killing of one of their own. He likens them to freedom fighters and calls them ‘prisoners of war’ rather than common criminals.
I hoped to convey in this song, something of the increasing desperation and fading hope of the settlers as they wait.

Mary Durack – ‘To Be Heirs Forever.’
Ruth Marchant-James – ‘The Foundation of Perth.’
Stephen Pennels – ‘The Week the West Was Born’ West Weekend Magazine, 175th Anniversary of the West Australian Newspaper.

Song sample
Any News – Lyrics


I see a ship anchored off shore – any news – is there a boat in?
Any news from the Captain?
Any news of Governor Stirling?
Any news? Any news? Any news?

We settlers begged our Governor sail for England
Present the truth of our dire circumstance
No funds, no labour, we are sorely put to the test
And progress impossible while we are compelled
To await long months for answers, to each and every request

We feel all but abandoned…..


Against the Scotch presence some hearts are hardened
Favours in land grants, places named for friends
Faced with starvation, such complaints are not our concern
Stirling and his Lady are more beloved than
King William and Queen Adelaide – we long for their return

We feel all but abandoned…..


Swan River life is not what we envisioned
Servants are idle or leave our employ
In town despair that dissipation cannot assuage
Revenge killings on both sides, now all trust is gone
And yet Yagan is presented as “the Wallace of the Age”

We feel all but abandoned…..


© Words and music by Grace McC. B. Reid